Sunday, August 26, 2012

September 2012 Camping Trip

We are planning a camping and fishing trip for September 14-15, 2012. We are still working out all the details, but it looks like we will be camping in the Salina / Richfield area. One of the main activities will be fishing. Most of the boys have told us that they don't know how to catch or gut a fish, and we would like to help them remedy this.

All the boys over 14 will need a regular license to fish with us. A 7 day license is $16 or a year license is $26. If the boys opt out of the license there will still be ample opportunity to watch, and we will make sure they have a chance to clean and prepare a fish for eating, as long as we are able to catch something.

If you have access to fishing rods that would be great. We do have a few spares as well, so no need to run out and buy one if you don't have one.

I have found a great resource for fishing license information. It is:

For more information on the Fishing Merit Badge you can check out these resources:

Fly Fishing Merit Badge Information can be found here:

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